Dedicated  to

St.  Sergius  of  Radonezh

Maori issues


of  Alexey  Smirnov

Maori issues

Author: Alexey Smirnov

There are three main reasons to have Maori seats in New Zealand parliament.

First reason is to have members of the parliament, who are able to represent Maori views on any political queries, arising in NZ. It is vital for the country to avoid ‘street democracy’.
Another important reason is creating social lifts for Maoris, who have abilities for top management.

Further I will speak out third significant reason for Maori seats.

1. To implement the first reason, it is essential to have Maori MPs, who are not bound by the party’s, neither discipline, nor obligations, or duties, and responsibilities. Each Maori MP has to represent his/her electorate in the parliament only. Otherwise there is no cause to call their positions, as Maori seats. That is why it’s so important Maori MP to vote independently while any parliamentary queries, not joining to either ruling coalition or opposition, unless the MP is included to the government.
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following matelials:
The interpretation of the Bible    Esoteric review
The cleansing of the Earth      The elementals
The song to Shambhala
of N. K. Roerich
2. The second reason for Maori seats in NZ parliament is creating social lifts for Maori people. The Maori MP might give his vote to ruling coalition in case she/he becomes a Minister only. If this person has demonstrated him-/herself, as a highly professional top manager, he/she may be invited by next ruling coalition or party for a ministerial role. In this case the MP provides her/his vote to another government, as the evidence of loyalty
For the purpose of social lifting Maori people, it is essential that the position of Minister of Immigration to be obtained by somebody from Maori Roll. This role should be independent, and the person for that role should be elected directly by all New Zealanders at time of parliamentary elections. This Minister is also responsible for professional education to cover demand for professions on the skill shortage lists from Maori recourses. Main task for the Minister is creating flexible balance between interests of NZ businesses and Maori people. Below we will see why the quality is so important for that position
Taking into consideration the high level of unemployment between Maori youth in small towns and villages, it should be established a Department of inner migrations within the Ministry, which works together with Maori trusts’ representatives. The Department builds Government’s maraes in all cities with high demand of workforce; Auckland needs at least four such maraes.  Each Government’s marae should have both standard rules and personnel. The Department pays a certain fraction of a salary for professional education, training and apprenticeship of Maori youth. The rest of the salary is paid out respectively by the employer and the Maori trust on a base of a standard agreement between them. Maori trusts are responsible for behavior of their youth, and control them. Those iwis, which provide good employers, staying in New Zealand, get additional quotas
Today’s situation requires from Maori trusts and the government to assist young people with their migration into big cities, where they can get right professions, and be employed. The government should encourage and help to Maori trusts with building Maori apartment housings in big cities. Such housings must be free from taxation
After some time, Maori trusts will be able to create workplaces for skillful Maori workers in own towns and villages.

3. The third reason for Maori seats is a debt to Maori people from the side of the government.
According to the Treaty of Waitangi, Article 3, Maori people have obtained the same rights, as the people of England:
This is the arrangement for the consent to the governorship of the Queen. The Queen will protect all the Māori people of New Zealand, and give them all the same rights as those of the people of England.

In 1840, the same as now, English people did not have an obligation to sell own lands to the Crown only. Therefore Article 2 of the Waitangi Treaty might not be interpreted, as the obligation for Maori people for selling own lands solely to the Colonial administration. Governor W. Hobson breached the Treaty immediately after it was signed by Chiefs and him. Subsequent governors followed the same illegal way.

Recognition of the Waitangi Treaty in today’s form is support XIX century colonial fraud. That page of New Zealand history should be closed, and Maori people have to obtain real compensation for that official colonial scam. The violation of the Treaty could happen because of absence of Maori representatives at the Colonial Administration. During long time Maori people did not have a real opportunity to express own view concerning the Waitaingi Treaty, and the colonial fraud.
On this ground, it would be fairly to have twelve independent Maori seats in New Zealand parliament.

Twelve seats for Maori MPs as well as social lifts for Maori people, it is not just fair reimbursement but partly ensures New Zealand from breaching the Treaty of Waitangi in a future. For that purpose, Maori people should be represented in the parliament by persons, who are independent from party influence.

Being elected by all New Zealanders, Minister of Immigration deserves to represent the country. For that purpose he/she has a title Te Peresideni. Being politically independent, Te Peresideni acts, as a transitional prime-minister for the period between elections and the time, when next government is ready to rule New Zealand. The legitimacy of Te Peresideni allows transmitting her/him the governor’s responsibility in addition. Te Peresideni (who is also Minister of Immigration) with the Crown’s governor responsibility becomes second protection of the country from possible breaching the Waitangi Treaty. Second cadenza of Te Peresideni could be for six years, instead of three years for the first time.

Management of Maori TV should be appointed by independent Maori MPs with minimum difference of two votes. Maori MPs from ruling coalition do not take part in that ballot.

Alexey Borisovich Smirnov, the Analyst and the Seeker of Truth

9 July 2018
Marks: Alexey Smirnov, Maori, Maori seats, Maori roll, the Waitangi Treaty, Maori MP, Te Peresideni, New Zealand, New Zealand parliament,governor
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